
Stello is available on all major operating systems.


Download for Windows

Install Stello via the Microsoft Store from your computer or the website.


Download for Mac

Once downloading finishes, open the file and drag Stello into the Applications folder shown. You can then delete the file that was downloaded, and open Stello from your Applications.


Download for Linux

Once downloading finishes, change the permissions of the AppImage file to allow execution. You can then simply click it to open Stello.

Right-click > Properties > Permissions > Allow executing file as program

AppImage files require libfuse2 which is usually already installed on most systems or is otherwise easily available. For Ubuntu you can run sudo apt install libfuse2. We publish Stello as an AppImage on Linux as it works in any distribution and auto-updates itself. You can place it wherever you like, such as on your Desktop.

Chrome OS

Recent Chromebooks support Linux by default and so you should be able to download Stello for Linux and follow the instructions above.